
As a skilled motion designer, I sought to create an engaging explainer video to promote my services and attract potential clients. My focus was on showcasing my expertise in creating complex animations and seamless transitions, demonstrating my ability to bring dynamic visuals to any project.

By creating a high-quality video that highlights my strengths, I aimed to communicate my passion for the craft and my desire to collaborate with clients on projects that challenge and inspire me. Ultimately, my goal was to create a compelling example of the type of video that I excel at producing, and to position myself as the ideal candidate for clients seeking top-notch motion design work.


Explainer video






To begin the script, I addressed a common challenge faced by many businesses, which is the lack of sales.then I introduced the concept of an explainer video service as a viable solution. then I shared the results of a survey To further emphasize the effectiveness of this solution, Additionally, I briefly discussed the explainer video process and how it can benefit the client’s bottom line by increasing profitability.

So, you want to sell your product or service, but no matter how hard you try your sales figure is not growing.
Well, here is the secret – According to a survey 73% of customers are more likely to buy a product or service after watching a video
But not every video is created equal.
You need an engaging explainer video that will capture your audience’s attention and convert them into paying customers. That is exactly what we offer at Aissa Motion.
Our expert creative artists will handle everything from script and voiceover to graphics and animation.
Our team will create the perfect explainer video for your product or service so that you can get more customers, more sales, and more profits.
Don’t wait!
Get a free quote at, today



The process of creating a storyboard allows us to transform the written script into visual sketches. By doing so, we can pre-visualize the final animation and ensure that the story aligns with our vision and expectations. This step is crucial in the animation process as it helps us to effectively communicate the message of the script and bring it to life in a compelling and engaging way.

This video successfully met my expectations and achieved the goals that were set out for it. As a result, I was able to forge new partnerships with companies that were previously beyond my reach.

Elevate your business with my explainer video services. Request A quote !